Sunday 12 January 2014

At the start of 2013 I made it my mission to actually stick with something. I have major project commitment issues so my sort of but not really New Years Resolution was to follow through with a plan.

If you have a tumblr account no doubt you have seen various posts about this idea: "Start 2013 off with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen. Empty it on New Years Eve to see what good things happened that year."And I succeeded, well sort of. Every month or so I would remember it was there and write a bunch of things down and gradually it filled up. 

2013 was a year of sadness and stress and I probably will always remember it that way but looking through my little notes I realised I had a bunch of great moments amongst them all. 

Tweets were a big part of this year and I was lucky enough to interact with a few awesome people on there from bloggers/vloggers (Lily Pebbles, Estee - essiebutton, Anna - viviannadoesmakeup, Jim Chapman and Sorted Food) to some of my favourite musicians (Lewis Watson, Gabrielle Aplin, Hudson Taylor and Orla Gartland).

I had a few big life moments as well. My Year 12 ball, finishing high school, starting this blog and gaining a new little cousin amongst others.

I got to see some amazing artists live as well starting off with Ed Sheeran, Gabrielle Aplin, Passenger then Birdy, Lewis Watson, Lakyn to the unexpected of the lot One Direction (I had the best fun at this one, serious fangirl) and to finish off an outdoor concert seeing Josh Pyke and Lisa Mitchell. My ears were graced with some incredible musicians and it was the biggest expense of the year but the most worth it.

This years New Years resolution? See the world with eyes wide open. It's vague and can be interpreted how you choose but for me it's about observing more of what's around me. My city in particular, I often loathe how small, isolated and lacking in culture where I live is but I aim this year to see more of what it has to offer and go out of my comfort zone to do just that. I plan on doing a few blog posts on the gems I find along the way.

Here is to 2014 - hopefully it is a whole lot better than last year.

What were your New Years resolutions this year and have they already been broken?

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