Thursday, 9 January 2014

The New Foundation

When my skin started playing up these past few months I tried desperately just to cover it up. I'm pretty unfamiliar with spotty skin despite my infantile acne and made it through high school with barely a pimple (I do consider myself so lucky for this to be the case) but for some reason spots have started appearing around the left side of my nose recently where it gets oily. The spots were only small but they were red and the skin became dry around them making it appear if I had been in bed sick with an endless stream of tissues at my nose.

In my attempts to cover it up I applied layer upon layer of foundation (no spots normally defeats the necessity of concealer in my collection) to cover up the redness but to no avail. It just looked worse and the product clung to the spots before I realised the only solution was to address the root cause.

The skin misbehaviour coincided with my birthday and Christmas so I was spoilt to a selection of Aesop skin care including the Fabulous Face Cleanser, Mandarin Facial Hydrating Cream (the scent on this is addictive) and the coveted Parsley Seed Masque. Even after just one use of all these products together my skin was glowing and I noticed that the redness had settled down and the spots were less visible. I do this at night purely for convenience (not a morning person) and because I feel like it gives the moisturiser a good amount of time to really settle in.

The trio seems to be working well for me and I feel like it's a solid introduction into the skincare world, the Origins counter better watch out because I am venturing there when my budget as an aforementioned unemployed student expands.

Tell me in the comments if you think the Parsely Seed Masque is worth the hype and what other skin care products work really well for you.

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